Abishek Muthian

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Meta is holding my Facebook Page hostage

Posted at — Dec 29, 2021 by Abishek Muthian

I have been trying to delete my Meta/Facebook account for past several months in vain because I couldn't download a copy of my Facebook Page before I delete my account.

Facebook provides 'Request a download' feature for downloading a copy of the the Page. It worked fine for pages with small user base, But one of my Facebook Page had thousands of users and millions of conversations over the Messenger bot and Facebook is not generating the download file for it.

Those Pages were part of the apps I ran in my previous startup and I would like to have backup copy of it for good measure before I loose access to them permanently when I delete my Facebook account.

When I initiate 'Request a download', Facebook sends an email telling that it would inform me when the download file gets generated.

Facebook sends an email telling that it would inform me when the download file gets generated.
The promised email never arrives as the file never gets generated for my Facebook Page.

After I initiate the download, I regularly check the downloads section for the generated files and it would show 'Pending' for weeks until one day it would show as 'No available copies' as if I never initiated the download of my Facebook Page.

Facebook page download section shows No available copies as if I never tried to initiate the download.
'Pending generating files' changes to 'No available copies'.

But the download file for this page never gets generated and the 'Request a download' gets enabled again.

Facebook sends an email telling that it would inform me when the download file gets generated.
Request a download button gets enabled again.

Facebook doesn't have a support system for this, Reaching a human at Meta seems impossible and so I'm forced to write this with a clickbait title in the hopes of catching attention of someone working at Meta/Facebook.

Until then I have to retain my Facebook account and every day I do it makes me feel guilty and sad.

Change log

31-December-2021: The 'Request a download' button gets enabled again couple of days after 'Pending generating files' is removed.


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