Abishek Muthian

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Get notification when a new device connects to OpenWRT

Posted at — Dec 12, 2024 by Abishek Muthian

When a new device is connects to my OpenWRT router, I get a notification on Gotify. This serves as a good low-key intrusion detection along with my earlier OpenWRT login alerts.

Heavy lifting was already done by Brandon McFarlin, I had to just modify the code to send messages to Gotify instead of MQTT.


cat << "EOF" > /etc/hotplug.d/dhcp/90-newdev
[ "$ACTION" == "add" ] || exit 0

# [ "$ACTION" == "add" -o "$ACTION" == "update" ] || exit 0

if ! /bin/grep -iq "$MACADDR" "$known_macs"; then
msg="New device detected:
Hostname: $HOSTNAME"
  echo "$MACADDR $IPADDR $HOSTNAME" >> /etc/known_macs
  curl "http://[Gotify Server]/message?token=[Token]" -F "title=New Device Connected to Router" -F "message=$msg" -F "priority=5"
exit 0

Receiving the Gotify Message

Now, when a new device connects to my router I get a notification on my Gotify client immediately.

OpenWRT new device notification in Gotify on android
Gotify notification when any device connects to my router


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